Tuesday, December 5, 2006

I'm Out of the Closet!

I was just checking out someone’s blog when off to the side, I glanced at the words, "Create Your Own Blog”. Something strange came over me, as if my fingers were on an Ouija Board, I moved the mouse, clicked and here I am.

Stashed in the back of my closet is a stack of journals from years of writing that I periodically imagine myself torching. I'm not one to dwell on what others think or say about me, but the idea of people reading some of the passages of those books, well it just makes me a bit uneasy.

I do love to write, mostly non fiction and mostly about my experiences. I'm not sure why I am here or why I feel the need to progress from private writings to public writings, but as I stated before, here I am.

Maybe its time for me to be, “out of the closet”, with my writing. There, I've outed myself. I proclaim myself, “A Writer”. I suppose in every writer’s life, there comes a time when they must take that step of proclamation, by submitting a piece and finding out whether they have an appealing writing voice or the unfortunate news that comes via rejection letter, that perhaps they need to continue to journal in the privacy of their own home.

I think The Spinners said it best, in the song, I'll Be Around, when they said “This is the fork in the road”. For many reasons, I need to see where this takes me. The signals keep getting stronger and clearer.

So, without further ado, I present me, to whomever happens to read what I write, and I hope you feel and hear my voice through my words.

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